Black Youth in Technology, Engineering and Science
Christine Diaz
Co-Founder / Board of Directors
Christine Diaz is a full time Sr Executive at a large global software company and has a background in business, finance and technology. She has a wide variety of industry experience such as manufacturing, retail, utilities, mining and public sector.
Christine is also a parent representative for the We Rise Together program in the Peel District School Board where she volunteers as a voice for the parents of children who identify themselves as Black. As part of the WRT Program, Christine in involved in facilitating or coordinating parent meetings with a focus on Anti-Black Racism. In her role she has presented delegations to the Peel District School Board for topics related to systemic racism and justice for Black Students.
Christine also participates in related committees such as Disrupting Anti-Black Racism Working Group within PDSB, Peel Police Youth Engagement Committee meetings, as well as the Black Tech Stakeholder Meeting with Toronto City Hall.
Christine has also provided input into the School Board Professional Learning day focused on Anti-Black Racism with Peel Educators.
Christine is also a part of the Board of Directors for a non-profit organization called BYTES Network focused on Black Youth in STEM programs and agencies.